Over 40,000,000 iPhones are sold in the US every year.
Seeing how there’s no end in sight for our thirst for newer, faster models and the rising prices for every new phone, you’d be right in thinking there’s a money-making opportunity here.
Below, I am going to show you exactly how to make money repairing iPhones.
There two great ways you can make this a profitable business. You can either offer an iPhone repair service in your local area, or you can buy broken iPhones, repair them, and then resell them online for a profit.
This guide will explain everything you need to know/need/do to get started with this business model.
What Do You Need To Start An iPhone Repair Business?
There’s not much you need to get started. In fact, all can be explained in 5 steps…
Browse Repair Guides on iFixIt
Before you set out to become the iPhone repair mogul, maybe it’s a good idea to see if it’s something you’re willing to do?
The idea of making an extra few $1000s a month repairing iPhones sounds great, but repairing iPhones is a tedious technical process that requires you to be “good” at it.
When I broke my phone screen and attempted to repair it myself (which I did), I got help from iFixIt.com.
iFixIt is an iPhone parts website you can use to get your supplies if you’re in the EU. I bring them up because they offer very well-written, in-depth, and exhaustive guides on their website showing you how to repair specific issues, on specific iPhone models.

If you take a close look at their guides, you’d be able to see if this “iPhone repair business” is something you’d want/like to do.
If it’s still a yes, and handling $1000+ devices is something you’d want to do, move on to the next step.
Find/Buy A Broken iPhone To Repair
Before you start charging people for your services, it’s best to try your hand with a few broken phones first to get some experience.
If you have an old broken iPhone somewhere in a drawer, now is the time to bring it out, see what it needs fixing and set off to get your parts.
Once they arrive, take it apart and try to fix your very first iPhone.
If it doesn’t work out well, fret not. See if you’d be willing to try one more time and either get another broken phone from a friend/family member or get yourself a cheap broken phone from eBay, Craigslist, or the Facebook Marketplace.
Eventually, if you don’t give up after your first few failed attempts, you’re probably going to get it right.
If so, it’s time to start making money and as I said in the beginning, there are two main ways you can make money repairing iPhones.
Start Buying Broken iPhones, Fixing Them, Then Sell Them
If you can secure a source for broken/damaged iPhones and you get pretty good, and fast, at fixing them up, you can start by buying up all the broken phones you think you can fix, fix them up and then sell them later on the same marketplace you bought them from.
A broken iPhone screen will take you about an hour to fix so you can literally buy a broken phone in the morning, fix it that same day (given you have all the parts you need), and then sell it for a profit later on that day.
How much you should pay for a broke phone and how much you should sell it for is up to you, but I would try to get the numbers right that I’ll walk away with at least $80 to $100 per iPhone repair and resell you do.
If you flip a phone a day, that’s $2,500 a month in profit working just 2-3 hours daily.
Of course, this depends on how many hours you can dedicate to this side-hustle.
Offer iPhone Same-Day Repair Service
The other way you can make money repairing broken phones is to offer this service to others in your local area.
You can create advertisements around town, post online, get the word our via friends, and family, use business cards, run Facebook ads, etc…
If you can deliver pronto, you will have customers.
If you have a car, this will be even better as you can drive to the client’s home, fix the phone in the car, and give it back to them just an hour later. (again, give you have all the parts needed for the issue).
Parts included (which you would have to buy), you can charge ~$200 per repair that you do,
If you can become the go-to guy to fix phones up quickly, trust me… you’re going to make money this way.
When I broke my new iPhone 11’s screen I would’ve paid anything to have it fixed right there, right now.
(& I’m sure I’m not the only one).
The iPhone Repair Side-Hustle (FAQs)
So there you have it, two straightforward ways to make money repairing iPhones (if repairing iPhones if your thing).
Before I close off with some additional material you may want to check out to get your new side-hustle business up and going, here are a few answers to the most common question about flipping iPhones for a profit.
Can You Really Make Money Repairing iPhones?
YES, you can. How much is up to you though.
If you treat it as a business (a full-time job) then you’re going to make a full-time income with it.
If you treat it as “just something you do” to help your friends and family, then that’s the level of income you can expect.
If you do nothing with the information I shared with you here, you will make nothing.
Is Phone Flipping Worth It?
As I just explained, there’s money to be made here. You’re looking at $80+ in profit for every iPhone repair you do (whether that be fixing and selling or fixing as a service).
Is ReSelling iPhones Illegal?
No, it’s not. Anything you buy and own you have the legal right to sell it if you wish.
Of course, if you make this a real business, you also have to get your papers sorted regarding how you pay your tax on your income.
I’m in the EU and our tax laws are quite different here so you’re going to have to figure this out for yourself.
Where Can I Buy An iPhone To Flip?
If you want to take the buy, fix, and flip method, here are the best places you can find broken iPhones to buy:
- Flipsy
- FB Marketplace
- FB Groups
- Craiglist
- eBay
- BuyBackBoss.com
Browse a few of these marketplaces and see what you can find. For parts, you can look into Amazon.com and/or iFixIt.
How To Build An iPhone Repair Business (Two Courses Worth Checking Out)
The iPhone Repair Academy – $97
I first learned about how profitable iPhone fixing and flipping can be from Feldon Richards, creator of the iPhone Repair Academy.
His course (linked above) shows you:
- The iPhone repair fundamentals
- The tools of the trade (what you need to fix phones for a living)
- Where to find quality parts (in the US, and for cheap).
- How to successfully promote your iPhone repair business
- How to make $38,000 a year with this side-hustle as a complete beginner.
The Phone Flipping Academy – $50
This course, from Life Hacks Academy, shows you:
- Where to find cheap used and broken iPhones to flip for a profit
- How to determine how much you need to pay
- How to negotiate the best prices (when buying & selling)
- The specific strategies you need to build a six-figure business.
Final Thoughts
That’s all from my end today.
If you’d like to see how I make money online building simple websites that pay me monthly, be sure to check out my guide here.
I’ll leave you to it.