How to Write An Article For An Affiliate Website

Article writing has become a global standard for every company or organization, regardless of the industry.

Customers search and explore businesses online, which is why you have to offer them digital content that proves your company is trustworthy.

Affiliate marketing is not an exception here. As a matter of fact, publishers who want to become affiliate leaders must be able to write amazing posts regularly because it’s the only way to keep the audience coming to their websites.

Website traffic is critical to the success of affiliate marketing, so the only real issue is how to write quality posts for your website.

Although it takes years of experience to truly master the art of online writing, there is a shortcut that allows you to craft very good content almost instantly. If you are interested in becoming a serious author, keep reading to learn 11 tips to write a basic article for an affiliate website.

The Benefits of Creating Affiliate Content

The Benefits of Creating Affiliate Content

Even with the recent Google updates and attacks on small publishers, you can still make money with simple content websites such as this one. Click here to see how I do it.

Before we begin discussing the ways to write your affiliate posts, we want to remind you of the importance of creating online content.

First of all, let’s see some stats that reveal the current position of blogging in the digital universe:

  • On average, websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages than sites without any articles.
  • Companies with blogs produce almost 70% more leads per month than those without.
  • Almost half of the customers read three to five pieces of content before taking the first step towards making a purchase.
  • Companies that publish over 16 blog posts per month receive almost 250% more traffic than companies that publish up to four monthly posts.

Numbers don’t lie, but we still want to add some more explanations. What makes blogging so important for affiliate marketers (and all other businesses, for that matter)? Here is the list of highly practical advantages of article writing:

  • Raise awareness: Websites with blogs are more popular and recognizable among target audiences.
  • Boost traffic: As we already mentioned, quality posts are a surefire way to increase traffic.
  • Gain influence: Authors who keep publishing amazing articles become key industry leaders with tons of followers. Besides that, they frequently get new business opportunities and offers for professional collaboration.
  • Attract merchants: If your affiliate website is very popular, rest assured you will be attracting a lot of new advertisers.
  • Lead generation: You can expect a big influx of visitors who are ready to subscribe to your email newsletter.
  • Conversions: When you build a serious affiliate blog, you won’t have a problem converting leads into full-time customers.

11 Ways to Write a Great Affiliate Article

How to Write An Article For An Affiliate Website

After a brief introduction, it is time to focus on what’s truly important.

There are many different ways to hone your writing skills, but we selected 11 tips that can help you become a good author relatively quickly. Let’s take a look!

  1. Find a popular topic

Most authors take this one for granted, but keep in mind that it all begins with choosing a good topic for your post. You can do it by brainstorming and discussing interesting ideas with your colleagues.

At the same time, it’s always good to follow your competitors and industry leaders to find out what they are writing about. Your goal is not to write the same sort of posts, but you can use their topics as a valuable inspiration.

Of course, there is the famous Google Trends app. You should always use this tool to see what the audience is searching for, but you can also compare trends and search by specific locations.

  1. Make an outline

Before you actually begin writing, you need to make an outline of your post. It’s a general overview that helps you to structure your thoughts and present ideas without forgetting any. Generally speaking, each article should contain these three units:

  • Introduction: In this part, you describe your topic of interest and tell readers what they are about to learn.
  • Body: It’s the most important segment of your post because it presents thorough explanations.
  • Conclusion: This is where you summarize the whole article and briefly repeat the major conclusions.
  1. Choose the best keywords

Did you know that 93% of all traffic comes from a search engine? When people search for something online, they mostly use Google. And as you probably know already, Google considers keywords to be one of the most important ranking factors.

The conclusion is obvious: you have to choose the best keywords for each one of your articles. You can find some of the best search terms and phrases alone, but Google Keyword Planner and similar tools are a surefire way to come up with the ideal keyword solutions for your content.

  1. Use tools

We already mentioned a couple of useful tools, but online authors can find much more apps and services to make the writing process simpler. You should search them on your own, while we can give you a few valuable suggestions here:

  • Evernote: If you don’t want to forget precious content ideas, use Evernote to write them down instantly.
  • Australian essays: It’s a professional content creation service that can help you master the art of writing.
  • Survey Monkey: Sometimes you can create opinion polls to engage the audience and Survey Monkey will help you do it effortlessly.
  • Edu Birdie reviews: This agency can give you tons of interesting affiliate-related topic suggestions.
  • Cliché Finder: Avoiding clichés is very important if you want to become a proficient author.
  • Assignment help: They do everything – from topic suggestions and writing article drafts to content editing and polishing.
  1. Write attractive titles

A headline is the first thing users see when they search for online content, so you better make sure to write amazing titles. There are all sorts of tricks to consider: humorous headlines, titles with numbers, questions, curiosity, and so on. As always, you can find some really nice tools to evaluate the quality of your titles.

For instance, CoSchedule Headline Analyzer gives you a general assessment of each title, but it also delves deeper into the subject by showing you the word balance, headline type, length analysis, and other useful features. Using a tool like this, you make sure that your headline is perfectly aligned with the best practices of modern writing.

  1. Content quality

This is the critical part of article writing because only the most outstanding content can win over the audience. While there is no magic formula to tell you how to improve quality, we can give you a number of practical suggestions:

  • Use actionable sentences and avoid passive voice.
  • Break the text into smaller units, eliminating huge paragraphs without subheadings.
  • Use bulletins and numbers.
  • Cover a topic from all points of view. Your analysis should be thorough and all-encompassing.
  • Form a unique style of writing since it is the only way to stand out from the bunch of similar authors.

Mind the length

A decade or two ago, you could easily write a 300-word post and expect it to be very popular. However, times have changed drastically in the last few years and now you have to be much more diligent to attract the target audience.

According to the report, the ideal length of a blog post is around 1.6 thousand words. This is just the average, but the fact remains that short formats can only get you so far in 2019. Content quality often goes hand in hand with word count, so you better give your best to write longer articles.

  1. Solve problems

Do you know why users consume online content? Some of them want entertainment, but the vast majority is looking for a solution to everyday problems. In such circumstances, your goal should always be to provide readers with a solution to their problems.

You can do it by writing “How To” posts and guidelines. The best tactic is to describe the issue your audience is dealing with and then give readers step-by-step instructions on how to get over the obstacle.

  1. Add multimedia files

Humans are visual beings, so text-only articles cannot make a huge impact on your audience. A report reveals that blogs with images get over 90% more views than those without visual content.

If you want to make the content more appealing, don’t forget to add imagery or other types of visuals to the posts. Quality photos are always a nice choice, but there are other solutions as well: GIFs, videos, infographics, animations, and so on.

These elements alone are not enough to improve the quality of affiliate articles, but they definitely make the content fresh and more versatile.

  1. Add a CTA

The ground rule of online writing is to encourage users to take action upon reading. The only way to do it is by adding a call to action (CTA) to your posts. A CTA must stand out from the usual content, which means that it often comes in a special format such as a link or a button.

It can be anything you want: an invitation to sign up, a shopping button, an encouragement to read another post, etc. The only thing that really matters is not to forget to incorporate CTAs in your posts, while their purpose depends on your own business needs.

  1. Proofread every piece of content

The last tip on our list is to proofread and edit every post before publishing. Even the smallest error can ruin days of hard work, so don’t let impatience spoil your content creation strategy. You can do it single-handedly, but there are also many online tools to consider. Some of our favorite options include:

  • Grammarly: If you want to automate the process, Grammarly is the right solution for you.
  • Essay writing for hire: These guys are editing professionals who can completely rearrange articles.
  • Hemingway: It’s a digital tool that takes care of spelling, grammar, and the overall readability of content.
  • Book review service: This agency is perfect for editing of the long-form content.


write articles for affiliate websites

Affiliate marketers derive their power from the number of users who visit their websites.

In such circumstances, writing quality posts week after week becomes a crucial precondition for professional success.

But almost everyone is writing blogs these days and only the best authors are able to stand out from the crowd of competitors.

If you want to keep pace with affiliate leaders, you need to learn how to craft a piece of quality content.

We showed you here the benefits of blogging and 11 tips on how to write a basic article for an affiliate website.

These suggestions can quickly turn you into a fruitful online author, so make sure to use them and start writing your own affiliate blog.