10 Protein Shake Affiliate Programs for Bulky Affiliate Commissions

Protein shakes have become increasingly popular over the years due to the rising interest in fitness and health and this trend has created a lucrative niche for affiliate marketers to tap into.

By promoting protein shakes, affiliate marketers can earn commissions by recommending products that are in high demand and cater to a wide audience, including athletes, bodybuilders, fitness enthusiasts, and health-conscious individuals.

Also, the protein shakes market is diverse and offers a variety of products with different flavors, ingredients, and benefits, allowing affiliate marketers to target specific niches and audiences.

Across-the-board, the protein shakes niche is a smart choice for affiliate marketers looking to promote products that are in high demand, have a wide audience, and offer potential for lucrative commissions.

In this guide, we’ll be taking a look at some of the best-converting, high-paying protein shake affiliate programs you can join, promote and earn commissions from.


bulk protein affiliate program

Even with the recent Google updates and attacks on small publishers, you can still make money with simple content websites such as this one. Click here to see how I do it.

Bulk.com is an online store that specializes in the sale of protein supplements, vitamins and other health-related items at wholesale prices.

They offer a wide selection of premium quality products including whey proteins, plant-based proteins, creatine monohydrate, pre-workouts, multivitamins, and more.

Why Promote Bulk.com as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 6 to 8%
Cookie Length: 30-days
Affiliate Network: Awin


foodspring protein shake affiliate program

Foodspring is a UK-based company that offers 100% natural protein shakes and powders to help you reach your goals whether it’s to lose weight or build lean muscle mass.

Their range features whey protein concentrate sourced from EU farms as well as vegan options made from pea protein isolate – all without any artificial sweeteners or additives.

With Foodspring every shake is tailored for maximum effectiveness, with great taste to boot!

Why Promote FoodSpring as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 6 to 12%
Cookie Length: 30-days
Average Order Value: £55/65€
Affiliate Network: Awin


theproteinworks affiliate program

The Protein Works provides an extensive range of high-quality sports nutrition supplements designed to meet any nutritional needs of athletes or fitness enthusiasts alike.

Their range includes whey proteins, plant proteins, pre-workout boosters, amino acids, vitamins & minerals and much more.

All their products are developed by experts in the field who have fine-tuned the recipes down to the finest details so you can be confident that what you’re taking is both safe and effective for achieving your desired results quickly.

Why Promote TheProteinWorks as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 6 to 12%
Cookie Length: 35-days
Affiliate Network: Awin


gognarly protein shake affiliate programs

Gognarly, focused primarily on extreme-performance athletes, delivers delicious healthy snacks and protein shakes directly to your customer’s door on a subscription basis so there’s no need to go searching for them at the store every week.

Their range includes superfood smoothies with added collagen peptides which are a great way to get additional protein while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Plus, they’ve also got energy bars made with clean ingredients like nuts and oats, which are perfect for refueling after an intense workout session!

Why Promote GoGnarly as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 8%
Cookie Length: 30-days
Average Order Value: $50+
Affiliate Network: AvantLink


blenderbombs affiliate program

Blender Bombs provides a convenient way to take your regular smoothie up a notch with nutritious add-ins like flaxseed oil and chia seeds blended into small bite-sized balls that dissolve quickly in liquid.

You just “drop the bomb” into the blender, and your protein shake is done making it easier than ever before to get all those beneficial nutrients into one meal.

Why Promote Blender Bombs as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 7%
Cookie Length: 15-days
Average Order Value: $70
Estimated EPC: $21.35
Reported Conversion Rate: 9%
Affiliate Network: Share-A-Sale


bulksupplements affiliate program

Bulksupplements.com is an excellent online website for purchasing protein shakes and powders. They offer a wide selection of products, including whey protein, casein protein, vegan proteins, and more.

The website features a searchable product directory, so it’ll be easy for your customers to find the perfect product for their needs.

Also, all products are certified by independent labs for quality assurance and with free shipping on orders of $49 or more and competitive prices, Bulksupplements.com is the go-to destination for any health enthusiast looking for high-quality protein shakes and powders at great prices.

Why Promote BulkSupplements as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 15%
Cookie Length: 90-days
Average Order Value: $100+
Estimated EPC: $1.96
Product Database: 3000+
Affiliate Network: Share-A-Sale


purebulk affiliate program

PureBulk.com is also a great source for protein shakes and powders.

They have an extensive selection of nutrition supplements in various forms such as tablets, capsules, powder, etc., so it’s easy to find exactly what you need.

The website provides complete transparency with descriptions that include information on production processes, sourcing practices, and lab testing results so customers can make informed decisions about their purchases.

PureBulk also offers amazing discounts throughout its site, making it very budget-friendly option for your readers and would-be customers.

Why Promote PureBulk as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 5%
Cookie Length: 30-days
Affiliate Network: Shopify app


houseofnutrition affiliate program

HouseOfNutrition.eu offers an incredible selection of products made from natural ingredients only and is dedicated to providing high-quality nutrition at affordable prices.

On the HouseOfNutrition’s website you will be able to explore detailed product descriptions featuring nutritional facts as well as brand information that allow customers to easily compare different brands when deciding which one fits their needs best.

Additionally, there are multiple payment options available for added convenience, allowing customers ease of access when making purchases online from this reliable source of nutrition supplements.

Why Promote HouseOfNutritionas an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 9%
Cookie Length: n/a
Affiliate Network: TradeTracker


my protein affiliate programs

MyProtein has established itself as one of the leading destinations on the web when it comes to purchasing muscle-building and weight-loss supplements.

Offering a massive array of products ranging from whey proteins to multivitamins at incredibly low costs compared to some competitors in the market space, making them an ideal choice for any affiliate marketer looking to promote their offerings on protein shakes and powders at an attractive price point.

On MyProtein’s website, you will find exclusive articles written by experts in the field, giving your customers detailed insight into all things related to health & fitness so they can get all the accurate information they require before making their purchase decision.

Why Promote MyProtein as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 8%
Cookie Length: 30-days
Terms & Conditions: Must have 10,000+ followers.


bodybuilding.com affiliate program

Last but not least, we have Bodybuilding.com, which has become one of THE most renowned sources in the world when it comes to bodybuilding advice, supplementation products, workouts, recipes, apparel, equipment & more.

It boasts one of the largest supplement stores online with over 2 million users each month who are regularly seeking out guidance purchased items related specifically to muscle building & strength training.

Any affiliate marketer looking to promote their offerings on protein shakes and powders should give serious consideration to becoming part of Bodybuilding’s network thanks mainly due its reputation amongst its massive customer base & lengthy history within this industry segment which translates into increased trust with potential buyers browsing through its many offerings.

Why Promote BodyBuilding.com as an Affiliate?

Affiliate Commission: 7.5%
Cookie Length: 45-days
Average Order Value: $88+
Average Commission: $6+
Product Database: 4000+
Affiliate Network: Impact & Share-A-Sale

What to Look for in an Affiliate Program?

When looking for a protein shake affiliate program, there are several factors to consider to guarantee you choose a program that is right for you and your audience.

Here are some things to look for:

Commission rate:

Look for a program that offers a competitive commission rate. You want to make sure that the effort you put into promoting the product is worth the commission you earn.

Product quality:

Make sure the products being offered are of high quality and from reputable brands. You want to promote products that you feel confident about and that your audience will trust.

Variety of products:

Look for a program that offers a variety of products, including different flavors, ingredients, and sizes. This allows you to cater to a wider audience and target specific niches.

Affiliate support:

Choose a program that provides ample support for its affiliates. This can include resources, tools, and assistance in promoting the products effectively.

Cookie duration:

Look for a program with a longer cookie duration, which refers to the amount of time a customer has to make a purchase after clicking on your affiliate link. The longer the cookie duration, the better chance you have of earning a commission.

Payment options:

Make sure the program offers payment options that work for you, whether it’s through PayPal, bank transfer, crypro or another method.

By considering these factors when choosing a protein shake affiliate program, you can rest assured knowing you’re promoting products that align with your values, needs, and goals while making some great commissions along the way.

Does Affiliate Marketing Make Sense for a Fitness-themed Content Website?

Yes, affiliate marketing is an excellent way for a fitness-themed content website to monetize its traffic and generate income.

Fitness as a whole is a popular niche, and there are many affiliate programs available that offer products and services related to fitness and health, such as the ones listed above.

By partnering with relevant affiliate programs, a fitness-themed content website and/or influencer can recommend products and services to its audience while earning a commission on any resulting sales.

For example, a website that provides workout plans and nutrition advice could promote protein powders, supplements, gym equipment, and other fitness-related products.

Moreover, affiliate marketing allows content creators to earn money without the need to create and sell their own products, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

It also offers flexibility in terms of content creation, as the website can continue to focus on providing high-quality fitness content while incorporating affiliate links and product recommendations in a way that feels natural and useful to its audience.

Affiliate marketing remains a viable option for fitness-related content websites looking to monetize their traffic and earn income.

What are the Pros & Cons of the Protein Shake Niche for Affiliate Marketers?

Like any niche, the protein shake niche has its own set of pros and cons for affiliate marketers. Here are some to consider:

The Pros:

  • High demand: Protein shakes are in high demand, especially among fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and those looking to improve their health. This means there is a large potential audience for affiliates to target.
  • Diverse products: The protein shake market is diverse, with a variety of products available that cater to different dietary needs, preferences, and fitness goals. This allows affiliates to target specific niches and audiences.
  • Repeat customers: Once a customer finds a protein shake they like, they are likely to become repeat customers, which can result in recurring commissions for affiliates.
  • High volume commission rates: Some protein shake affiliate programs offer high commission rates, which can result in significant earnings for affiliates.

The Cons:

  • Competitive market: Due to the high demand for protein shakes, the market can be highly competitive, with many affiliates vying for the same audience.
  • Limited audience: While the potential audience for protein shakes is large, it is still a niche market that may not appeal to a broader audience.
  • Limited earning potential: Some protein shake affiliate programs offer low commission rates, which can limit the earning potential of affiliates.
  • Quality concerns: As with any supplement or food product, there may be concerns about product quality.

5 More Ways you can Monetize a Health & Fitness Content Website

If you think affiliate marketing is not for you. fret not as there are several other ways to monetize a health and fitness content website besides using the affiliate method.

Here are some additional monetization strategies to consider:

Display advertising: Display advertising involves placing banner ads or other types of ads on your website in exchange for payment. This can be a simple way to generate passive income from your website traffic. Once you have enough traffic, you can join platforms such as Ezoic and Mediavine, which require your site to have at least 10,000+ or 50,000+ sessions per month respectively.

Sponsored content: Sponsored content involves partnering with brands to create content that promotes their products or services. This can take the form of sponsored blog posts, social media posts, or videos. Sponsored content can be an effective way to earn income (and get free products sent your way) while also providing valuable information to your audience.

Online courses: If you have expertise in a particular area of health and fitness, creating and selling online courses can be a great way to monetize your website. This can include courses on topics such as nutrition, workout plans, or yoga. I would recommend you go with Teachable or a similar alternative if you want to create an actual course, but Gumroad is also a good idea here.

Membership sites: Membership sites involve offering exclusive content or services to paying members. This can include access to premium workout plans, personalized nutrition coaching, or a community forum for members to connect. I have a site monetized with a membership plan and I use Circle.so, which is a fantastic tool.

E-commerce: If you have a large and engaged audience, selling products related to health and fitness can be a lucrative option. This could include creating and selling your own line of workout clothing, supplements, or other fitness-related products. Of course, Shopify would make sense here but if you’re a WordPress fanboy/girl like myself, you can use WooCommerce too.

Additional Guides, Tools & Resources to Help You Promote Protein Shake Affiliate Programs