My BlueHost Affiliate Program Review: Too Good To Be True?

Every once in awhile, you may come across an affiliate program that seems to be too good to be true.

This is precisely what I thought when I came across the BlueHost affiliate program, but is it really too good to be true?

I don’t think so, and as you will see from my review today, the BlueHost affiliate program is something you are going to want to check out as yes, it’s that good.

Not only do they offer a massive payout for each customer you send them, but the affiliate program itself is pretty solid with a lot of help provided by BlueHost to help you earn their $65 bounty for every sale you refer.

In this review, I will go through what the BlueHost affiliate program is all about, what can you promote, who you can promote it to and last but not least, how in the world can they afford to pay $65 for each customer you refer (this is a good one so let’s start with that).

How Much Does The BlueHost Affiliate Program Pay?

BlueHost Affiliate program review

Even with the recent Google updates and attacks on small publishers, you can still make money with simple content websites such as this one. Click here to see how I do it.

Right, the payout for you as an affiliate for BlueHost is $65 for every customer you refer.

But how come they can pay so much when the services offered are not that expensive?

In the affiliate marketing world, we’re often accustomed to making a percentage on the sales we send, the BlueHost affiliate program works in a slightly different way and instead of paying you a commission on the sales, you get a one-time payment of $65 for the customer.

Now, in the first year, BlueHost will make around $30 to $50 off each new customer, but the magic happens when the customer stays on for another year, that is when they become profitable.

Naturally, the 3rd year and over is where BlueHost will make the majority of its income, but by then, they would have already made up for the $65 they paid you.

Some other domain registrars and hosting providers will keep giving you a set commission rate month on month, year on year which can also be profitable, but the high payout of $65 by BlueHost (getting paid upfront) is attractive to many affiliates promoting such services, and I wholeheartedly agree with that.

What Can You Promote As A BlueHost Affiliate?

how to make money with bluehost

As an affiliate for BlueHost, you can promote any of the services, but they mostly fall under two main categories which are domain registration and hosting services.

These services will also then have upsells to them (like added security, faster hosting, etc.) but the primary focus of your promotions should be focused around those two main services – which is what Bluehost is known for anyway.

How To Get Paid As A BlueHost Affiliate (Payouts)

The minimum required earnings to be able to withdraw your money from BlueHost is $100, which should not be very hard to manage since one customer will already net you $65.

You also have the chance to withdraw straight to your PayPal, which is fantastic as I use PayPal for all my business transactions.

If you are reading this Bluehost affiliate program review to find out if it’s worth joining, then let me save you some time reading and tell you that yes it most definitely is.

I will go through more detail about it below + also give you some tips on how to promote BlueHost, but you can get started straight away using their affiliate signup page.

How To Promote The BlueHost Affiliate Program?

This is where it gets tricky as since the affiliate program is such a goldmine for affiliates. Competition is pretty heavy as well.

The best way to promote it is if you have an audience already. Start a blog in the online marketing internet niche, and once you have an audience, you can promote and market BlueHost as one of the best platforms to sort their website out.

For this, I would start learning about SEO as it’s where the most money is made when it comes to affiliate marketing.

Although it’s a pretty fantastic affiliate program with a high payout, do not expect to start earning any money soon if you are starting out.

However, if you have an audience already and you are not promoting Bluehost, then you are leaving a lot of money on the table.

How Much Money Can You Make Promoting BlueHost?

It’s tough to make calculations such as this without knowing your business and how you plan on promoting Bluehost, but for argument’s sake, I also use this simple, “vague” formula to estimate how much money can be made.

Let’s say you get 1000 people a month that would likely want to use BlueHost. If you convert 1% of them (very conservative), then you have 10 people a month.

10 people a month is $650 which sounds pretty crazy, but the numbers do not lie.

Get 1000 people a day, and you can be making $650 a day.

If you think that that’s impossible, I suggest you reconsider, and I would also throw in an income report by biggest BlueHost affiliate of them all, Mr Pat Flynn.

pat flynn bluehost earnings

As you can see from the income reports he publishes on his website, in any given month, Pat earns around $27,000 per month from BlueHost alone.

How To Join The BlueHost Affiliate Program?

bluehost affiliate program sign up page

Think you can beat Pat Flynn to become their next top affiliate?

All you would have to do to join the affiliate program is to visit their registration page and sign up.

It’s free, and it’s easy, and there’s no waiting period to be approved.

As soon as you’re in, you will receive your unique affiliate link + a range of banners that you can use to promote BlueHost on your website.

Do I Recommend BlueHost As An Affiliate?

thumbs up

Yes, most recently. It’s a fantastic opportunity, and if done right, you can earn a lot of money from it.

Again I would strongly advise you not to take this on lightly as it won’t be easy to stand out amongst the thousands of BlueHost affiliates but it is still very much possible. If you get creative, I am sure there are many ways in which you can promote BlueHost.

Just remember this:

Anyone, no matter the location is or will be starting a website in the coming years.

Where that is for personal use, for a business or whatever they are going to want to do it, and BlueHost is one of the best platforms for that.

Any Alternatives To BlueHost?

Now, I have been singing BlueHost’s praises from the start of this review, but you’d be surprised to know that even though BlueHost is perfect for my target audience, I only promote it in certain posts and reviews.

The primary product I promote is Wealthy Affiliate, which is an affiliate marketing training course + they offer domains and free hosting to all my readers.

This is why I do not promote BlueHost often as I can get them to sign up for Wealthy Affiliate and have it for free.

However, if you are not part of the WA platform, you may be looking at some BlueHost alternatives, which in this case I would tell you to check out either NameCheap or GoDaddy.

With that said, if you are an affiliate looking to take your business to the next level, then you have to check out Wealthy Affiliate.

Learn Affiliate Marketing From The Pros

Wealthy Affiliate has provided the roadmap for me to build my affiliate marketing business and now I am sitting here on a Friday afternoon, drinking a beer relax in my apartment as I do not need a full-time job anymore.

If you want to learn the correct way of promoting BlueHost (or any other affiliate offer you can think of), then I would like to invite you to join Wealthy Affiliate yourself.

It’s free to get started, and you can stay on as a free member for as long as you wish.

Final Thoughts On BlueHost

Overall, I will give the BlueHost affiliate program a solid 4.5/5-star rating.

  • Their customer support is great
  • The affiliate program is easy to use
  • The payout is pretty good as well
  • It’s a reputable brand
  • They pay in PayPal
  • Loved by all their customers.

You can’t go wrong promoting a company with those credentials so if you think you can do it, then go ahead and join BlueHost and start earning with them.

Thanks for reading my review.

I wish you all the best.

BlueHost Affiliate Program Final Rating
  • Commissions
  • Features
  • Affiliate Tools
  • Value For Money