The riches are in the niches, that’s what any affiliate marketers worth his salt will tell you when it’s time to learn about building autopilot niche websites.
I am a huge fan of building niche sites – but sadly, I didn’t pay enough attention to it starting out, and instead focused mostly on building authoritative websites – which are now harder than ever.
It was only in the past 12 months or so that I started really getting heavy with autopilot niche websites, and if it continues going this way, I am planning a major push on niche websites towards the end of 2019 / early 2020.
In this article, I will be going through the steps to show you how to build autopilot niche websites that will continue to make you money (with very little effort) for months to come.
Now, when I say “autopilot“, I mean this;
You will be required to put on “a lot” of effort in the beginning, but once it’s well on its way, your niche website will continue growing and earning quite literally “on its own” aka. on autopilot aka steadily-earning passive income.
Before I go into all of that though, let me just give you some of the benefits of building niche websites (as I see them in my own experiences).
I have a free 10-day training course which you can join right now!
It will show you everything you need to know (and do) to be able to make a full-time income online using affiliate marketing and autopilot niche websites.
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What Makes A Niche Website a “Niche Website”?
First I believe I owe it to all the beginners reading this who may not be entirely sure what I mean when I say “niche website“.
As I see it, there are two “type” of affiliate marketing websites, and those are:
- The Authority websites and
- The Niche website
These two are the same thing obviously, you are still going to use the same “framework” of a website – domain, hosting, WordPress, the whole show.
However, an authority website would be a much broader and aimed at reaching a broad amount of readers and audiences.
The best example I can give would be this:
- A website talking about “photography tips” is an authority website
- A website talking about “the best tripods for landscape photography“, that would be a niche website.
As you can probably tell already, the “authority” website is much harder to build and maintain – yes an authority can make a lot of money, but so can a niche website if done right – which is what I will be showing you how to do today.
An authority site also generally entails having the need to build and maintain social media pages, email marketing accounts and a lot else.
A niche website requires none of these things really. It just requires your content, a bit of SEO optimization and we’re good to go.
I previously did a guide show you how to start Amazon niche website, in which I shared an example of one of my own niche sites doing “smart portable air conditioner reviews“.
This site is doing incredibly well right now (maybe because it’s Summer?) and it only has on it 19 posts.
Here’s a short video I shared on my Twitter page that shows how “quickly” this site took off:
“SEO doesn’t work”
– Said the people who gave up after 2 weeks.
— Christian Lee (@newchrislee) June 21, 2018
Are Niche Websites Dead?
Some time ago, there was the idea that freaked a lot of people out that “niche sites are dead“, this came from a Google update where they basically stated that authority sites will hold more power in organic traffic.
However, people misunderstood this.
My “portable air conditioner” website is a niche site, but it’s also an authority on “portable air conditioning”.
Authority sites in the “home appliances” do not have power over that space more than I do.
They will likely also rank for the same keywords I would, but that does not mean I can’t occupy a page 1 position if I wanted to.
Get the difference of it all?
There’s still money to be made with niches sites and no, they are not dead.
In fact, I would argue that niche sites are still forming as with more and more people joining the internet and becoming more search-savvy, the potential for niche websites is still booming.
How To Build Profitable Niche Websites (That Run On Autopilot)
Now, let’s get to the bottom of this:
How can you build autopilot niche sites?
Easy, you first need to;
Find a Niche:
This is probably where most get stuck first (the first step).
Picking a niche can be a complicated process, even for me I sometimes can’t find one I am looking for.
All you have to keep in mind is that a niche is ‘an audience looking for something specific online“.
Now, the way you should go about it is if you choose a niche that you know about already.
Let’s say you are a daily runner and over 65 years old, a niche talking about exactly that will be the perfect thing for you to get started with.
Myself I take a different approach with niche sites as I hire freelance writers to write the content for me.
If I had to pick a topic that I like myself, it wouldn’t be “smart portable ACs“, it would be affiliate marketing, hence why I spend my time mostly on this website building it up.
Build A Simple WordPress Website:
This is a must and whatever you do, do not skip this part as obviously, you can’t have a website without having a website.
Myself I use the Wealthy Affiliate portal to build new websites as I get free hosting as part of my premium package.
While I would advise you to join WA yourself and start learning from their training course, you can also “wing it” by going to BlueHost and build your WordPress site through there.
As a side note to this, always use WordPress when building niche websites.
Create Your Content Plan:
Obviously, niche sites make money by supplying information to an audience looking for it, which means you are going to have to create content for people to find, read/watch and make a decision on.
My favourite method of content creation is blogging i.e the written form.
If you do not consider yourself as a writer, it’s alright – but unless you want to hire freelance writers, then you are simply going to have to learn how to do it.
It’s not as hard as you may imagine. In fact, there’s a specific formula you can follow that will show you how to write the “perfect” piece of content in just under an hour.
Here’s that video for you:
The most important thing is to write content for keywords people are looking for.
This means that you need to start learning about keyword research however,r starting out, I would advise you not to go super technical with your keywords looking at monthly metrics and competition ranking,s but rather keeping it simple.
For this method, I suggest
ATP is a free keyword research tool that will give you a clear idea of what content your audience is looking for.
Write content based on these keywords will also likely see you getting ranked fairly quickly as typically, long tail keywords such as the ones found on there would not have too much competition.,
In time, and as you get the hang of how keywords work in search engines, you can look at investing in some premium tools maybe, but that’s for much later.
For an added boost, I would also strongly suggest you install the Google Webmaster Tools (Search Console).
There’s a method I teach that shows you to get more traffic from your already existing content and that uses WMT to properly optimize.
Can Niche Websites Make Money?
Yes, yes and yes.
If anybody is telling you that niche website does not make money, understand you are talking to somebody who has no idea about niche websites.
Every niche can make money – if done right and the way you monetize a niche site is by using affiliate marketing.
How Much Do Niche Websites Make?
If you are not quite sure how affiliate marketing works, I’d advise you to take a look at my list of 62 things to know about affiliate marketing but if you really want to have a fighting chance at making money with it, then do not miss out on taking my free training course.
However, with that said, let me explain to you how much money a website can make with a simple, conservative formula.
1000 visitors a day, at a 1% conversion rate and $10 off each sale would get you:
$100 a day, $3000 a month.
Obviously, you can get less or more than 1000 visitors, you can learn content optimization techniques that increase conversion and you can also choose products that pay more than $10 per sale.
However, that same simple formula is what I use to initially measure the potential of a niche.
If it makes sense with that formula, I usually go for it but know that often times, it won’t be anywhere close in real life once you get it going.
Some Examples Of Autopilot Niche Websites:
Below I have some examples for you to show you what type of website you’d likely be building, but first let me tell you about what “autopilot” really means here.
As I previously said, it will take some time to build out a niche site and nothing about that will be on autopilot.
My target and advice to you would be to aim to have 30 posts on your websites with at least 1000 words on each.
Writing 30,000+ words is not an easy task.
Writing one a day, which is also difficult can take you about 30 days or more to complete.
Again, you can hire a content writer but I would strongly advise you against this as you need to know how to do it yourself in order to know what to look for.
Once the 30 posts are up and the site is “ready”, that is when it likely becomes more passive and more “autopilot”.
After the initial 30 posts are up, all you need to do is wait.
It’s going to take Google a few more months to learn about your website, who you are and why they should rank you but if done right (follow my roadmap here), this will happen for sure.
Once that happens, then your site will seemingly be taking off on its own. As shown in my Twitter video above, it went from 1-2 visitors a day to 400+ a day and there was no extra work on my part – on the fact, the site is still at 19 posts only.
Once you are hitting that, you have the option to either grow it some more or let it run on autopilot.
I only go into my “portable AC website” around once a month to update plugins and I go over traffic and numbers around once a week – a 5-minute job.
In the meantime, the site is making me $$$$ using the Amazon Associates program.
I could be making much more from this site, but as I said; I’m currently more focused on building this site you are reading right now.
Can You Buy Autopilot Niche Websites?
If you don’t know how to build autopilot niche websites yourself, then I would advise you to stay away from the idea of buying a ready-made one.
There’s a lot of benefits to buying a ready-made site, (I’ll also be buying up some sites in the near future) but you need to know how to run it.
Buying a site for $5,000 and not having a clue how to run it is a dumb mistake and yes, you will lose your site and any potential it has if you do not know what you are doing – again I refer you to join this free training course to learn more about it.
How To Find Profitable Niche Websites For Sale
Sites such as Flippa and Empire Flippers is where most affiliate marketers go to either steal ideas and niche or buy ready-made sites.
If you want to go down this route, then feel free to check those two resources out but again I would advise you to first learn the ropes.
How To Build A Passive Income Stream With Niche Websites
I am a big believer in affiliate niche sites and I think they are one of the best ways a beginner can start earning an income online.
I am so convinced that I will soon be launching a long line of affiliate autopilot niche sites such as the ones discussed below.
I’m gunning to have at the very least 20 niche sites running by end of 2019.
That’s quoted a goal and I am sure I am not seeing all the pros and cons of it just yet but that is what I will be working on developing.
The only reason I could do this, however, is because I already make money with my affiliate marketing and other investments and I can now use the money to go after new niches with the help of content writers.
If you want to go the same route and build a profitable, long-lasting affiliate marketing business, then you must make the decision to get started today.
I am offering you a free 10-day training course right here which you will get immediate access to once you become a member. There’s no need for a credit card or anything like that – just sign up and I’ll be in there to welcome you.
I look forward to helping you get started and showing you more about what I know, including, how to build, run and make money from autopilot niche websites.
If you are serious about getting started and about making money, then I will see you on the inside.
Talk soon.