When I was first getting into affiliate marketing, there was one affiliate network that every affiliate marketer was talking about, and that is;
Today, I want to share with you my guide on how to make money with Clickbank (in 2022) because even though Clickbank has been around for quite some time – facing off many challenges (and challenge-ers) – it still is one of the most used, most talked about affiliate network available.
Can you still make money with Clickbank?
The short and quick answer is yes; most definitely you can – many still do.
Clickbank is one of the first places newbie affiliates go to to find offers to promote – in a wild variety of different niches – to their audience.
In this Clickbank guide, you will be learning:
- My own opinions on Clickbank
- How to make money on Clickbank
- How to find products to promote
- The best Clickbank products to promote and
- A few other things that I think every Clickbank affiliate should know.
Let’s get started…
*Before I get into this guide, I’d like to point out that this post is about making money with Clickbank as an affiliate marketer and not as a Clickbank seller. This guide is also not to be confused with Clickbank University either.
Is Clickbank Still Worth Promoting?
Yes. As an affiliate program/network; Clickbank is still very much active, with plenty of offers to promote (and many more being added every single day. Now, the question is;
Can you still make money with it?
Clickbank will not make you money – but neither will any other affiliate program you research.
All affiliate networks/programs such as Clickbank only make money if you know how to promote the offers they have listed on their platform.
Affiliate networks are just a collection of offers that you can tap into to promote – they only facilitate the use of finding offers to promote and tracking the actual sales you make.
Clickbank (Mini-Review)
If you’re going to be using Clickbank, you’re only going to use it because you want to find an affiliate offer to promote.
Many sellers and product-creators list their offers on Clickbank and you – as an aspiring Clickbank affiliate – can go in, choose an offer to your liking and then promote it on your own website (more on this later).
How Do You Find Products To Promote On ClickBank?
Clickbank affiliate marketing works well when you have a targetted offer that you can show to a targetted audience.
If you have not yet built up an audience (or a source of traffic of some sort) then I really recommend you do not look into Clickbank (or affiliate marketing in general) before you do.
If you’re a complete beginner to affiliate marketing, there really is no need to be digging into this as you are still a few steps behind.
If you do know what I am talking about here, then you also know your niche, i.e. the audience that you’d like to promote to.
To find a Clickbank product that will do well with your audience, you simply have to go to Clickbank.com and check out their extensive marketplace.
Once you’re on the marketplace, you can then filter out the offers by Category (pictures below), and you can then promote the offer you like best.

Which Are The Best Clickbank Products To Promote?
This question often gets asked by newbie affiliates, and I doubt that will change much in 2022.
It’s tough to say which Clickbank products will sell well for you as only you know what type of audience you have.
Offer A may not work for me, but it can work for the other guy. Likewise, a Clickbank offer may be the current best seller but completely irrelevant to you and your audience.
With that said, I can show you how to find the best Clickbank offers in your niche but always do your own due diligence and never promote a product just because it sells well.
To find the best offer in a specific category, you need to sort out the offer by Gravity:
This is a Clickbank metric very few people understand, but it’s useful as it ranks products on how much they sold when compared to the clicks they’ve received.
It’s a metric on a scale of 0-100 and if a product has a gravity of 30+, then it’s safe to assume that this product sells well (compared to the number of clicks you send to it).
Also, keep in mind that a product may have a high Gravity score because it has sold well in the past but has since died down.
Again; you need to know your niche and your audience to be able to know what product will do best.
For a more in-depth guide about Clickbank’s gravity score and how it works; you can check out this great guide here:
How To Join ClickBank
Clickbank is quick and easy to join and unlike other affiliate programs, there aren’t many hoops you need to jump through so once you go through the registration process, you should be accepted immediately.
All you need to do to become a Clickbank affiliate is to visit the sign-up page, fill out your details and you’re good to go.
Is ClickBank Free For Affiliates?
Yes; Clickbank is 100% free to join and use and since we’re on the topic.
Never pay to join an affiliate program as it just doesn’t make sense to have to pay to promote a product.
How Do You Make Money With ClickBank?
Before I close this off, I’d like to give you a few pointers on how to make money with Clickbank and affiliate marketing in general.
Clickbank, unlike Amazon which sells physical items, is an affiliate network for (mostly) digital products.
This is great as digital products sell well online and they often carry with them some fantastic commissions (there are even products with 100% commission on there).
The way you make money with digital info products such as the ones found on Clickbank is through the use of useful and helpful content.
Content like that that gets ranked in Google and has the ability to drive targeted traffic to your website in droves, thus building your audience of highly targetted people.
You can try ads or social media to drive traffic instead of SEO, but from my experiences; there’s no better traffic for it than good old SEO.
The Best Way To Promote & Sell Clickbank Products
The way I suggest you make money with Clickbank digital products is through the use of product reviews.
I know this is an overused method but honestly; there’s still no better way to get some quick rankings and quick sales than writing detailed and informative product review and yes; this method still works well in 2022.
Most of my online income comes from doing product reviews so I can tell you first hand that this method still works.
Here are some of the guides you need to look into if you want to take my approach:
ClickBank in 2022 (Rounding Up)
Even though the Clickbank name has been tarnished over the years and has had to go through a major purge to rid itself of scammy BS products, there’s no denying;
Clickbank is here to stay.
Every single affiliate marketer on the planet knows who and what Clickbank is and dare I say most have made money on there, so I do not see it going anywhere.
Can you make money with Clickbank in 2022?
Most definitely ✅
As an affiliate program/network, Clickbank works just as well this year as it did years ago and whether or not you make money with it is determined by how well you know what you are doing.
If you are a complete beginner with affiliate marketing and want to learn how to do it right:
- Without spending a fortune,
- Without getting scammed and
- Without overly-complicated training.
then look no further than this free training course I have for you here:
It’s laid out in a simple and easy to follow video series that you can follow and by the end of the 10-day course, you will have your own working website up and ready to receive visitors and; make money.
Thank you very much for visiting my website and I hope this post has shown you how you too can make money on Clickbank just like all the other super-affiliates.
I wish you all the best in your online endeavors.
Talk soon.