In a world where scammers and fake gurus seem to be the ones with the loudest voices, it’s indeed a special day when you come across two very genuine people who just want to provide the best for their students.
Welcome to my Income School Project 24 course review.
In today’s post, I will be covering and reviewing what in my opinion is one of the best online business training courses I have seen in a while giving you all you need to know before you make you decide to buy the Project 24 training course.
Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, I am a big fan of the Income School boys (Jim and Ricky).
I’ll give them both a big thumbs up right from the get-go for the effort and knowledge that they share with us both on their YouTube channel for free, and also in their (paid) Project 24 course.
So yeah – if you were just looking for confirmation on whether you should buy the Project 24 course, I say go for it.
However, before you do; I suggest you keep on reading my review to see what you can expect and why I like it so much. Also;
Project 24 Review Final Rating: $449
Project24 Review Summary
- Highly in-depth training on how to make money online ✔️
- 2 of the most trustworthy people in the industry ✔️
- Proven success (with multiple students) ✔️
- Get my $97 SEO course for free (when you join IncomeSchool) ✔️
Who Are Income School?
One reason why I speak highly of Income School’s Project 24 is because of the two people who run it.
Ricky & Jim are some of the most honest, legit and trustworthy people in the online space.
They’re two wholesome dudes who through hard word have found great success online and are now teaching what they know to thousands of people worldwide.
I don’t quite remember how (or when) I first came across the IncomeSchool channel but ever since that day, I have watched every single video they have put out and I have used their information with great success boosting my SEO traffic and also my affiliate/online income.
In case you are reading this Jim or Ricky, thank you for all the content you provide.
But what about Project 24? What is that all about?
Income School’s Project 24 Review (What Is It?)
Let me now discuss Project 24 – Income School’s flagship course that will show you how you can build an affiliate marketing / online business from scratch.
The method that they teach is based on building “small” niche websites that drive traffic (via SEO) and then monetising your traffic through many different monetisation models such as affiliate marketing, advertising, creating your own product etc.
Since the first step of building an online business is always building out your stream of high-quality targetted traffic, the main bulk of the lessons in the Project 24 course are based on how to get traffic, but that is not all.
The course is laid out in 123 lessons / 94 videos which you can follow to go from literally a total newbie into a full-time passive-income earning blogger and digital entrepreneur.
Without giving too much away, in this course you will learn:
- How to pick a niche (topic) for your business.
- How to craft SEO-optimised content that ranks on Page 1.
- How to get the traffic on your website and turn it into an income
- How to pick affiliate programs/offers related to your niche
- How to build a WordPress website
- How to scale your traffic into the thousands
- How to become a business owner online.
Of course, everything is laid in the simple, easy to understand, fluff-free format you are accustomed to if you’ve ever watched an Income School video on YouTube.
(I will be sharing my favourite YouTube videos from Jim & Ricky below).
In a nutshell, this course gives you EVERYTHING that Ricky & Jim do to build and manage multiple websites in a variety of different niches all earning an income online.
What’s also pretty special (and unique) about this course is the fact that they actually show you their websites.
This may come as a surprise, but very few courses actually show you their own websites and how the process behind it.
With Project 24, you’re quite literally getting a transparent and honest look at how online business works and how to make it successful.
My main business model online is also building niche websites that I then monetise through affiliate marketing and banner ads so I can tell you with 100% certainty that what they are teaching inside Project 24 course actually works.
What You Need To Know (Pros & Cons of Project 24)
Now that you know what to expect from Project 24 let me just give you a few pros and cons which I think you need to know before you decide to become a member.
PRO: They Are The Most Trustworthy Gurus I Follow
As I said earlier in this review, I really do think Ricky and Jim are the two most honest and wholesome guys in the “make money online” space you’ll ever come across.
There are no big fancy claims, no fluffy promises and the training you will get from them is truly one of the best I have ever seen.
Anyone who says IncomeSchool are scammers has no idea what they are talking about.
PRO: It Teaches You EVERYTHING You Need To Know
The Project 24 course will teach you everything you need to know about making money online.
From A to Z.
From idea to actually seeing money in your account thanks to your online efforts.
Many courses I have tried and reviewed in the past all tell you what you need to do, but never show you how to do it.
I am sure you’ve experienced this too.
You have my word here that this is not the case with Project 24.
PRO: You Get Access To Their Members-Only Podcast
A great feature of Project 24 is the podcast which they do for members where they go through the latest industry topics, updates, news etc.
This is to help keep members up to do with the latest happenings of the industry making sure you are always one step ahead of the game.
PRO: You Get A Whole Community To Back You
Another great thing about Project 24 is the fact that there is a community of members who just like you are striving towards making money with their websites.
I’ve only ever seen one other platform that offers this and even though many underestimate this, it’s one of the best things a struggling affiliate can ask for.
Having a community that understands your struggles, your frustrations and your roadblocks is always way better than just going at it by yourself.
Issues will come up, problems will need solving and sometimes you are just feeling stuck.
It sucks, but knowing you have a community that will help you come up with the answers and find solutions to make your business thrive is invaluable.
CON: Yes, It’s Slightly Expensive
The cost of admission to the Project 24 course is $449 for your first year and $199 for every year you stay on as a member.
I honestly do not see this as a con though as I have have seen many other courses who go for much more and deliver much less, but I do get that this can be a bit of an expensive jump for many to make.
However, consider this:
This course will show you how to make money online; it will show you how to start a real, thriving, money-making business.
Is $449 really that expensive?
It’s $1.23 a day for a year, I am sure you spend more money on much dumber things (I know I do).
Some may argue that you can most probably find the information for free online and you’re right, but trust me; it’s not worth it.
Early in my days trying to make money online, I wasted months trying to find information for free that could help me make money.
That didn’t work.
It didn’t work because I had no structured roadmap to follow.
I didn’t know what I was doing, and I had no idea what to look out for since I was getting my information bit by bit from random sources online.
This is why having a structured course like Project 24 is key to finding success online quickly;
It shows you how to build from the ground up making sure you are doing things right from the get-go.
Trust me when I say;
There’s no worse feeling than working hard on something for months all the while expecting to find success around the corner only to find out if you’ve been doing it all wrong.
I went through that many times (it takes a while for me to learn my lesson) but I have finally understood the value of investing in online courses.
I highly suggest you do not go down the same path as I did as this would only be wasting precious time and money and that would be “more expensive” than paying $449 for the Project 24 course.
CON: There Are No Refunds
Another semi-con I want to mention here that I think you should know about is the fact that there are no refunds for Project 24.
Truth be told, I agree with Rick & Jim for this & I will tell you why:
I too have created a course – Affiliate SEO Mastery – and I do not offer any refunds for it either.
Why is this?
Because way too often people jump on a course, learn everything and then asks for a refund to get their money back.
This is not fair to the course creators who shared their hard-earned knowledge with you.
Another thing many fail to see is that if you know you are going to get your money back, you will not put in the effort needed to make your money back and succeed.
If you spend enough time on the Project 24 website before you join, you’re going to know exactly what you are getting yourself into and what to expect.
You can make your money back if you use the program to its fullest capabilities (which is what you should do), but if you decide not to take action on it – or you’re just looking for freebies – it’s better for everyone if you simply do not join.
Even though I listed this as a con, I’m all for this and I fully support this decision.
Is Project 24 For You?
Project 24 is the roadmap to go from a complete beginner to a seasoned pro online in 60 days or less.
*Although it’s possible to make money in 60 days, chances are it’s going to take longer to start seeing results worth talking about.
If you are a complete beginner then yes; this will be perfect for you.
If you are an “intermediate”, then yes; you too will probably learn a few things by joining Project 24.
If you’re a seasoned pro, this may or may not be for you, but from the advanced sections of the course, I am sure you can pick up a tip here or a trick there to help you improve your online business.
Overall though, I would say that this is a course “for beginners” so make of that what you will.
Similar Courses To Project 24 (Alternatives)
It’s very rare that I come across an online course that I actually love, and I am glad I finally got to do this Project 24 review as I haven’t had a great course to review in a while.
With that said, I also have to mention a few similar alternatives you may want to check out.
The one I always recommend would be Wealthy Affiliate. It’s very similar to the Income School course and also less expensive too.
There’s also the NicheHacks membership site that you may want to look into – it takes a different approach to building niche websites, but is also a course I highly recommend for beginners.
If I had to rank the above three courses, I would rank them as such:
#1: Wealthy Affiliate
#2: Income School (Project 24)
#3: NicheHacks Membership Site
I have a list of all the courses I reviewed in the past ranked in different categories here if you’d like to take a look.
My Personal Project 24 $97 Bonus For New Students
Since you made it this far, I guess it’s now time to reveal to you the special bonus I have for anyone who joins Project 24.
As I mentioned previously, I also have a course that I have created myself, and that is the Affiliate SEO Mastery course.
That course sells for $97, and it gives you a thorough look at how I build up my SEO to be able to make a full-time income online with my niche websites.
For a limited time only, I am offering this $97 SEO course entirely for free to all those who join Income School’s Project 24.
If you decide to take action right now and buy the course, all you have to do is email me here with proof of purchase and I will personally add you to the Affiliate SEO Mastery course entirely for free.
No hidden/recurring fees, no credit card required, no anything – just pure SEO value to compliment your Income School training.
Are you interested in getting my $97 bonus?
Join Project 24 using this link here.
Final Words
Thank you very much for reading my review.
I really want to give a big thumbs up once more to Jim and Ricky as they have created one of the best training courses I’ve seen in a long time.
There are very few courses which I will put my absolute trust in and recommend to my readers, and this will forever be one of them.
If you have any questions about Income School or Project 24, be sure to leave me a comment down below as I would love to answer any question I may have missed in this review.
I’d now leave you with some of my favorite (free) videos from the Income School YouTube channel.
Talk soon,
Christian Lee.