How To Make Money Online With No Experience

Can you make money online with no experience? YES!

Everyone can make money online and it’s about time you make an effort to learn how to do it. As I’ve always said, making money outside of the 9-5 working hours will soon become a must, and that day is closer than anyone thinks.

With that said, I also understand why it can seem way too complicated for the average person to learn.

There are many scams, many big promises being made that don’t deliver results and yes, many think you need to be an expert with years of business experience to even have a chance at earning something.

However, once again I will tell you it is possible, even if you’re a complete beginner and in this article, I am going to share with you how to make money online, with no experience required.

This guide will include both “online jobs” you can do without any experience, and I will also tell you about the many legitimate online business opportunities there is for everyday people like you and me to make money on the internet.

Let’s get started…

All The Ways You Can Make Money Online With No Experience
Even with the recent Google updates and attacks on small publishers, you can still make money with simple content websites such as this one. Click here to see how I do it.

The Best Online Jobs With No Experience Required

I’ll be honest, I’m not really a fan of online jobs in general. This is because it’s very hard to find an online job that will be worth the effort.

However, there are a few legitimate ways to make money online – that don’t require experience – that also pay well. I have a list of 15 websites here that can help you earn $100+ a day if you’re ready to put in the work.

By all means, it’s not an exhaustive list of online jobs and I don’t rule out there are hundreds more legit websites you can use to make money online.

Just a quick Google search will provide you with plenty of job opportunities currently available that will probably be worth your time. offers a list of 10 jobs you can do (without any experience). This includes jobs such as being a virtual assistant, transcriber, or perhaps even a website tester. has a similar list covering 14 jobs you can do, on this list you will find well-paying job opportunities that include being a customer service agent, online tutoring, and various data entry jobs. offers a great list of both online and offline jobs such as renting things out online, working as a search engine evaluator, and also offering translation services. may have the biggest round-up post you with an astonishing list of 63 jobs that require no experience you can do at home.

If you’re looking to make some quick money online, finding a well paying online job that does not require long hours and/or in-depth experience would probably be the way to go, but there is also another way.

This is how I make money online, and it also does not require a lot of experience to get started but it’s not a way to make money online fast.

All of the methods I will share with you below involve you creating, running and growing your online business which involves work, patience and a lot of perseverance.

An online business may not be for everyone and that’s ok, but seeing how easy it is these days to start an online business (even if you don’t have any business experience) I would be doing you a disservice if I don’t tell you what’s possible with a bit of hustle.

What You Need To Start An Online Business (With No Experience)

what you need to make money online with no experience

A Home Computer

Smartphones have definitely moved the needle as to how we do business online but they have not yet reached the point where you can use your phone to start and run an online business.

You are going to need a home computer or a trusted laptop. If you don’t have one, I highly recommend you get one as you would need it either if you’re doing some of the jobs I mentioned above or if you decided to start your own online business as I will explain below.

An Hour or Two A Day

If you want to build a successful online business, you are going to need to make sure you can spend at least one or two hours a day working on it. This time will be spent learning, getting the experience you need, and setting up your business for success.

If you don’t have at least an hour a day to do this, it’s best to avoid it for now.

An Idea

Obviously, you can’t just “make money online” without doing anything.

You’re going to need to have an idea of what you’re going to do and I will provide you with a few ideas on what you can do down below.

A Website

Building simple websites is how I make money online, and if you want to have an online business, you too are going to need one as well. Don’t worry, a website is almost free to start and it’s much quicker/easier than you’d expect.

Some Patience

I can teach you how to make money online (even if you don’t have any experience), but I can not teach you how to make money online right now. I don’t even know if such a thing exists actually.

Again, if you’re desperate to make some quick money, check the linked job-guides above, but if you want to start learning a skill today that will pay you handsomely 6 to 12 months down the line, keep reading.

The Best Way To Make Money Online (With No Experience)

the best way to make money online with no experience

Enough with the hints – what is the best way to start making money online as a beginner?

The best way I have found, that’s consistently made me money over the years is – blogging!

Yes – blogging.

  • This allows you to make money with any topic you already have experience with.
  • It’s almost-free to start ($100 a year is what you need) – and
  • The earning potential you have is only limited by how much you work.

You can blog about anything you want, and if you can commit to publishing at least 30 to 50 articles about a topic you like, are interested in or have any experience with, you are well on your way to make a full-time income online in about 12 months. 

I won’t go into how to create a blog here because that’s a whole nother topic and that’s not what this post is about.

However, if you’re wondering why I believe it’s the best way to make money online and how I actually make money with blogging, you can see my tell-all guide here revealing everything I do including how much money I make and the different types of blogs I own and manage.

What Other Online Businesses Can You Start With Little To No Experience?

While blogging (i.e building content-based websites) is the best way I have found to make money online, there are a few more business-opportunities which you may want to look into. This includes:

In Closing

That’s all from my end today. This was a quick post but I just wanted to open your eyes to the many possibilities there are to make money online and how easy it is to actually get started, even if you don’t have any special skills or prior experience.

If you have any questions about what we’ve talked about, or would like some more information about anything specific, please let me know in the comment section below.

It’s my mission to help as many people as possible get started online because it’s been a life-changing adventure for me and while not always easy, it’s definitely worth it.

I’ll leave you to it.