How To Make $100 A Day Online (15 Legit Websites That Pay)

How would you like to earn $100 a day online, doing anything from odd random jobs to having your very own online passive income business?

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

I’m sure you’re already imagining the many ways an extra $100 a day can improve your life and you’re right; $100 a day is some serious income.

In this post,  I’m sharing with you 15 ways (and 15 websites) to make an extra $100 a day. This includes doing random jobs such as uploading video surveys for $50 a pop to more serious “business-style” ventures such as building your very own online business.

If you think making an extra $3,000 a month would be life-changing, keep reading as I’m about to show you exactly, how to make $100 a day online.

how to make $100 a day online

Even with the recent Google updates and attacks on small publishers, you can still make money with simple content websites such as this one. Click here to see how I do it.

Sell, Buy & Rent Out Anything Through


What is

FatLlama is a website where you can buy, sell or rent literally anything.

It was founded in 2005 with the main goals of helping people make money, save time & “use better stuff”.

How To Make Money With FatLlama

A good (and quick) way for you to reach your $100 a day goal is simply renting all stuff you have lying about that you don’t need to people on

As you can see from this image, people rent out a variety of different things on FatLlama:

DJ mixers, drones, power tools, cars, projectors, etc.

how to make money with fatllama

According to their website, there are people making $8000 a month simply by renting out their things to neighbours.

Whatever you want to rent out, I’m sure there’s someone who desperately needs it (of course this works better if you are in a metropolitan area).

How To Get Started With FatLlama

If you want to start trying out FatLlama and rent out a few things, all you need to do is to visit their website, create an account, upload your products and that’s it – your job is pretty much done.

To help you get started, I’ll also include this quick video here so you can learn more about it:

Sell Products With You Images On


What is

MiPic is another good unique website in that it allows you to upload pictures, and they will then turn those pictures into various prints on clothing and accessories, and you get a 20% commission when they sell products with your print on them.

How To Make Money With MiPic

All you need to do is to upload your images onto the platform, and then let them create the entire product catalogue for you.

They will help bring in interested buyers to see your artwork and when they buy, you get 20% of the price tag which is usually somewhere between $30 to $50.

how to make money with mipic

How To Get Started With MiPic (As An Artist)

If you want to create an account, all you need to do is visit the MiPic website and sign up as an artist.

All you need to do then is upload your images and wait for pure passive income to start flowing in (you won’t be the one managing, printing and shipping the items).

Earn Cash Sharing Your Opinions on


What is

I’m not a fan of survey sites much, but Qmee is a site that I can get behind since it’s more of a “rebates” platform than it is an actual survey site.

What this does is that it allows users to get money back on products they buy (through their recommendations) and they will even pay you to simply browse products.

How To Make Money With Qmee?

To start getting paid from Qmee, you have two options;

You can either buy products and earn a bit of kick-back from them (this would be money earned since if you did not use them, you would’ve paid the full price) and also;

You can leave reviews and products of products you buy and research for.

This might be one of the least likely websites to get you to $100 a day, but if you do a lot of online shopping and/or have some free time to be able to browse offers, it may earn you quite a decent income each month.

how to make 100 a day with qmee

How To Get Started With Qmee?

It’s simple – to start earning back money with Qmee, you simply need to visit their website and sign up to join the Qmee community.

Earn $50 Per Video Survey With Mindswarms

What is Mindswarms?

Now I got yet another survey site for you but this one is hands down one of the best paying survey websites since unlike any other platform, they actually pay you $50 per video survey you submit.

How To Make Money With Mindswarms

All you need to do is try out a product, website or online service and record yourself using the product and giving your honest feedback.

Yes, it does involve getting in front of the camera and “being out there”, but if you can do this (at least two to three times a day), you are looking at an easy $100 a day extra daily income online.

Pretty good deal if you ask me.

How To Get Started With Mindswarms

I have a pretty in-depth review of Mindswarms here if you’d like to know more but if you want to go ahead and become a member, all you would need is to visit the Mindswarms sign up page and register for an account.

Once approved, you will be offered to start doing product surveys on camera – as with any other survey site, you can choose which product you want to review.

Become A Freelancer (With Upwork & iWriter)


What is Upwork?

Upwork is a freelancer marketplace where you can go and join with the hopes of getting hired by people looking for what you have to offer.

How To Make Money With Upwork

Many join Upwork as freelance writers, which is the most common “job profession” listed on the platform but;

If you really want to make money with Upwork, it’s best to stay away from this.

If you’re dead set on making money writing content for others (which can very easily get you to $100 a day) then you may want to check out iWriter instead.

If you want to use Upwork, then I suggest you join as a “virtual assistant” and become a VA for someone online.

As a VA, you can get listed under a lot of different services and people can hire you based on what they need and what you have to offer.

how to make 100 a day with upwork

How To Get Started With A Freelance Website

You can visit the Upwork website here or – if you want to become a writer – you can visit the iWriter signup page.

Both are free to join and both have enough customers looking for skilled freelancers that you can easily make more with $100 a day using both these websites.

Test Websites With

What is

UserTesting is yet another website that – as you may have guessed – pays you to try out websites and services online.

See many websites want to know how their target audience engages with the products they build so UserTesting is perfect for them (and perfect for you to make some extra benjamins every day).

How To Make Money With UserTesting

All you need to do is to review websites while you are using them.

You will be asked to record your voice as you go through a specific website and that is it, on average they pay you $10 for a test of around 20 minutes.

This means you need at least 200 minutes of work every day (3 to 4 hours) to make $100 a day with this website.

how works

How To Get Started With UserTesting

Interested in becoming a tester?

Simply visit the UserTesting sign-up page, fill out your details and you’re good to go.

Alternatively, you may want to read my official UserTesting review for a better understanding of how the platform works and how you will be getting paid.

UPDATE: At the current time, is not accepting any more testers but you can click on that link to see if it’s changed.

Start Your Own Drop Shipping Store

shopify homepage

What is Drop Shipping?

Next, I will be sharing with you a few very simple online business methods that not can not only get you to $100 a day, but also $1000+ a day and beyond, and one of the best ways to do this is drop shipping.

How To Make Money With Drop Shipping

Dropshipping is the online business model where you drop-ship products from China (using a site like AliExpress to find a supplier) directly to your customer in the United States.

The best thing about drop shipping is that you only pay for the product after you have made a sale, meaning you do not have to take the risk of buying inventory yourself.

I also have me a dropshipping business, and yes; it’s a big money-maker for me so rest assured that if done right – you will be able to make some extra money with this method.

start dropshipping with shopify

How To Get Started With Drop Shipping

All you need is a Shopify store, and a product to sell on that store.

I won’t explain exactly the step by step process of starting a dropshipping as that needs a dedicated guide, which I’ve already published!

You can see my guide on how to get started dropshipping so if you’re interested in this method, you can take a look at that (it’s super easy to follow and understand).

Affiliate Marketing With Clickbank & Share A Sale

clickbank affiliate program

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is by far my favourite business model.

It simply means selling other people’s products for a commission through an affiliate program. It’s super easy to start, it’s practically free to do and the possibilities are endless.

How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

All you would need to get to $100 a day online is a simple website that is about a specific topic that sells recommended products (which you then make a commission off).

Since it’s my favourite business model and also how I earn the bulk of my income, I have plenty of guides about affiliate marketing which you can read.

wealthy affiliate review

How To Get Started With Affiliate Marketing

If you want to get started with affiliate marketing (which you should as it’s probably the best (but not the quickest) to make a $100 a day online, I highly recommend you check out the many guides listed above or better yet;

Go join the free 10-day getting started video course.

You don’t need a credit card to join either – just an email will do. Once you’re in, you can start with your very first affiliate marketing lesson.

Online Adult Work (Chaturbate, Sofia Gray, Arousr)

What is Online Adult Work?

If you don’t mind it, adult work online is probably the fastest way you can get to $100 a day.

What is it?

Well… just what you think it is but don’t worry; not all will involve you showing your face so if that’s your only hold up, fret not as you can pull it off without ever showing your face online.

Let me explain…

How To Make Money With Online Adult Work

There are many ways you can make money with adult work but the best ones I have found to pay the most are:

(The bottom two options won’t require you to show your face)

Click through from the links provided for a detailed tell-all guide on how to make money with each method.

Getting Started Making Money Chatting & Camming Online

How To Get Started With Online Adult Work

All you need to do is to register an account with the companies listed in the above guides.

Since they only allow adults, you might need to go through an approval process but if you’re an adult, you can rest assured you’d be set up pretty soon and making money within days!

Make $100+ A Day On Pinterest

ways to make money on Pinterest

What is Pinterest?

You may have not realised this yet – but there are many people out there who make money with Pinterest.

Me personally, I do have a few websites that make me money from Pinterest (including this one) so I know making money on the platform is possible.

How To Make Money With Pinterest

You would likely need to have a website so you can send people from Pinterest to your website.

Once you have the traffic on your website, you can try out any of these 5 super-easy ways to make money on Pinterest.

how to make money with your pinterest boards

How To Get Started With Pinterest

You are going to need a Pinterest account so if you do not have one yet, get one.

Next, you are going to need a website. A free one will do so you can get a WordPress website for free from here.

Again, I would highly recommend you see my guide on making money with Pinterest because if you love the platform, there’s no reason why you can’t turn your pinning into a $100 a day income.

Join Wealthy Affiliate (& Build Your Online Business)

Wealthy Affiliate Mockup 11

What is Wealthy Affiliate?

Last but not least, I have to give a dedicated shoutout to my personal favourite website for online entrepreneurs and that is; Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is an online community of online business owners that will also teach you the many ways you can make money online (mostly with affiliate marketing)

How To Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate

You can make money either by promoting Wealthy Affiliate itself or; you can also build your very own online business with the training and tools they provide.

If you read my Wealthy Affiliate review, you will see it’s where I got my start as an affiliate marketer and thanks to it, I even managed a few $500 days as well.

my earnings inside wealthy affiliate

How To Get Started With Wealthy Affiliate

If you want to know more about Wealthy Affiliate, you can either see my full official review here, or you can go ahead and get started – CLICK HERE to join.

If you are interested in building a business online (not just some paid-by-the-task job), you should definitely be inside Wealthy Affiliate learning from the 1,400,000 online business owners within its walls.

Final Words

Thank you very much for reading this far – we’ve reached the end.

I hope all that I have shared with you has been enough for you to go out and start making money and yes;

I am 100% sure that you can make $100 a day online with any of the methods/websites listed above.

While I would not recommend you try them all, I would recommend analyzing each one and seeing which one best applied to you and then go try them out.

There’s no reason why you can’t make way more than $100 a day with any of these websites and combined, I am sure you can earn much more.

I’ll leave you to it.