The 3 Best Pinterest Affiliate Marketing Courses For Beginners

Are you looking for a great Pinterest affiliate marketing course?

Something which is affordable, easy-to-follow and that will show you exactly what others are doing to be able to earn money simply by being active on Pinterest?

That is exactly what I have for you below, now just one – but 3 great resources you can use to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing (and other methods) using Pinterest.

Last week I published a mega-guide showing you 5 great ways to make money on Pinterest so if you’d like to learn more about that, be sure to check that one first.

pinterest affiliate marketing course

Even with the recent Google updates and attacks on small publishers, you can still make money with simple content websites such as this one. Click here to see how I do it.

This post is for those who are ready to start earning, and these following 3 courses will show you how to do it:

Below I will explain each one, but you can also click any of the links above which will lead you to a more in-depth review about each one.

Wealthy Affiliate

Wealthy Affiliate review 2020

The Pros:

  • One of the best courses for affiliate marketing
  • Plenty of tools to help you start earning money
  • Dedicated Pinterest-lessons provided
  • You can join the course for free (premium options available)
  • Earn while you learn incentives
  • A helpful community of affiliates

The Cons:

  • Some information may be outdated

Learn more about Wealthy Affiliate >>

This has been my top recommended course for many years now and it’s also where I learned how to make money online myself.

I credit Wealthy Affiliate to be a life-saver for me because if it wasn’t for it, I would not be here writing these few words, so yeah – I am a bit biased here.

I have no doubt this is one of the best Pinterest affiliate marketing courses you can find and it will teach you absolutely everything you need to know to get started building profitable websites using Pinterest (and other methods) to make money selling products with affiliate marketing.

Income School

income school affiliate marketing

The Pros:

  • A great course on how to make money blogging
  • Great instructors (two of the most legit guys you’ll find)
  • Long & in-depth video training
  • A dedicated Pinterest-marketing lesson (with guest Pinterest experts)
  • A helpful, engaged community to learn from

The Cons:

  • Costs $449 to join (still worth it though)

Learn more about Income School >> 

Another great course and one which I absolutely love everything about is Income School’s Project 24.

This course will teach you how to go from a complete beginner online to having a full-time passive-income earning website in 24 months or less (hence the name Project 24).

It’s run by two of the most humble and genuine guys you can find, and I would highly recommend you visit the Income School YouTube channel to see what I’m talking about.

They also happen to have an entire training module (one of many) showing you how to Pinterest with some of the top Pinterest marketing experts in the world. I highly recommended that video-series if you want to learn how the pros work Pinterest.

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing

The Pros:

  • A proven method from a proven Pinterest superstar
  • Great information about blogging and Pinterest marketing
  • Easy to follow information (great for blogging beginners)

The Cons:

  • Some information is outdated
  • Also somewhat pricey to join ($197)

Learn more about Making Sense Of Affiliate Marketing >>

Last but not least, we have the infamous Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course and the reason this course made it into this list (apart from it offering genuine information) is that Michelle (the course creator) is a well-known blogger and Pinterest superstar loved by many Pinterest users.

Michelle managed to turn her Pinterest hobby into a $1,5000,000 a year business so YES if you want to learn Pinterest marketing, this is one person you should definitely be learning from.

What Do You Need To Start Doing Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest?

Before you make a decision to join one of these courses and get on Pinterest, I want to share with you a few (5) things you’re going to want to have, know and do to be able to make Pinterest a successful and profitable venture.

✔️ You Need… a Niche (Blog-Topic)

You are going to need a “niche” or a topic that you are going to be promoting – ideally one you love.

While Pinterest does allow you to create boards for multiple interests and hobbies, when you are trying to make money on Pinterest, it’s best to stay focused on one specific topic.

✔️ You Need… a Website

If you want to make affiliate marketing worth your time, you are going to need to have your own website – it’s just too risky not to have one.

All three Pinterest marketing courses provided above are based on you have your own blog, you will then learn strategies on how to get traffic (people) to your blog and that is how you will be making money.

If you want a cheap, quick, and easy way to start a blog/website, check out BlueHost.

✔️ You Need… a Tailwind Membership (Optional)

This is optional, but if you want to quickly start making money using Pinterest, you need to check out Tailwind.

I won’t go into much detail about this here (since it’s an optional thing to have), but if you’d like to learn more about it, I have three guides/reviews about it here:

✔️ You Need… a Basic Understanding of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a deep topic to cover.

I have been sharing my affiliate marketing tips for many years now and I have still not covered it all (after 7 years of affiliate marketing, I’m still learning new things every day).

However, you do not need to be an expert to make money with this business model, you just need to know the basics – for example:

  • How to write great content (it’s easier than you think)
  • How to find and join affiliate programs
  • How to add & use affiliate links
  • and much more.

✔️ You Need… A Basic Understanding of Pinterest Marketing

Each course I’m suggesting above will provide you with simple and easy-to-follow guides and you will walk away from them with a very good understanding of how to promote yourself and your content on Pinterest.

If anything you read here doesn’t make sense, it will all be explained inside any of the training courses you choose.

How Much Money Can You Make On Pinterest?

A lot. In fact, I’d say the sky is the limit. More than enough to cover any expenses you might invest now in one of these courses.

One thing that makes Pinterest a great way to make money online is because unlike other social networks, the work you put in today will keep paying you for years to come.

I have a viral pin on Pinterest – which leads to my Amazon Associates guide – which has got repinned over a million times and it brought thousands of people to my website. That pin/post alone has funded the start of my business and earned me well over $100,000.

Yes – I earned over $100,000 from one pin I published some 5 years ago.

Trust me, the potential to make money on Pinterest (using affiliate marketing and other methods) is definitely there.

Which One Course Would I Recommend?

Of course, you do not need to join all three courses. They teach pretty much the same thing and all of them will provide you with more than enough information to get you started and keep you busy for many years to come.

So –  which one should you get?

If you want to learn the art of affiliate marketing, your best choice would be Wealthy Affiliate. This course is more focused on making money with affiliate marketing and while they do additional information about other ways to make money, it’s very limited in that sense.

If you want to learn blogging and the many ways you can make money as a blogger, then Income School’s Project 24 is the one for you. This course will teach you everything you need to know about starting a blog, using it to get traffic from Pinterest (and search engines), and all the possible ways there is to make money as a blogger.

If you want a bit of both, but not so much in-depth and overwhelming, then you should go with Michelle’s Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. It’s the perfect option for a beginner, although the least thorough.

NB: If I had to choose one, my choice would be Wealthy Affiliate because this is where I learned everything I know so I know it works. As a close second, I would choose the Income School course.

Want To See How I Make Money Every Day Online?

Before you go, I want you to see how I make money online building simple, easy-to-build websites that go on to make me money for many years to come (see the link below).

I do this (mostly) thanks to the traffic I get from Pinterest and SEO (Google) and I’ve figured out a way to make money with these simple websites that now fund my by entire business and my entire life exactly how I’ve always imagined it to be.

If you thinking about getting started online, whether that be with Pinterest or anything else – do it!

It’s a great feeling being able to make money doing what you love, and this is why I spend my time writing guides such as these – I want to help you do the same.

That’s all from my end. Talk soon!