This first month of the new year has been yet another rollercoaster ride for this case study and it has reminded me just how much I love building affiliate websites (& dealing with the ups and downs that come with it).
This past month saw traffic increase on the 2 major websites in this case study and one of them is even now ready for monetization.
If it’s your first time here, I highly recommend you go through my previous case study updates to see the methods I’ve been applying to get to this point.
My goal with this case study is simple. I want to build profitable money-making websites with the hopes of selling them for 6-figures each sometime in the future, & I’m glad to say the results from this past month prove this can be done, and both sites will eventually reach that $100,000 value point.
Let’s get started…
Niche Site 01: STSP (Name & URL TBA)
- Pageviews in December 2019: 11,758
- Pageviews in January 2020: 13,135
- Earnings in January 2020: $194.44
- New Posts Published in January 2020: 15
- Total Posts Published: 68
- Total Words Published: 138,336
- Average Word Count Per Post: 2,034
Thoughts on January 2020:
As was expected, the income from this site dropped in January after the great success it had during the Black Friday/Christmas season. However, it did still manage to pull in a semi-decent $194.44.
If you check out my previous updates (all linked below) I’ve been talking about how I want to increase the average commission earned from each sale by promoting more high ticket items and that is what I focused on in January.
We published reviews targetting high-ticket items and we’ll also be launching our own product in the coming months which we can then sell through the website.
At the current time, this product (which is an ebook/course) will sell for $49.99 and I am sure this will be eventually blossom into a great income for the website seeing how the topic of the course is directly related to the top read posts on the website.
I have my writers working on this course as we speak and we’re eyeing a March/April release.
By then, this course along with affiliate commissions should put us at least in the $700 to $1000 per month range, which is what I have planned for this website by the time Summer 2020 rolls in.
My Plan For February 2020:
The plan for this next month is to continue publishing more and more content on this website.
The small hiccup to this is that my main writer is working on the ebook as well so the number of posts I can publish will be limited. However, if we get another 12 or so publish, that would be enough for me.
After this month, I will also be pausing content production for two months and re-starting it sometime in May. This is not what I had in mind initially, but after seeing the sudden traffic rise with the next website (TSCC) I want to get some fresh content published to keep the momentum going.
Niche Site 02: TSCC (Name & URL TBA)
- Pageviews in December 2019: 7,410
- Pageviews in January 2020: 11,607
- Earnings in January 2020: $0
- Posts Published in January 2019: 0
- Total Posts Published: 100
- Total Words Published: 154,194
- Average Word Count Per Post: 1,542
Thoughts on January 2020:
The first month of the new year of the new decade has been fantastic for this website.
As I mentioned in my previous update, I was hoping this website would cross the 10,000 pageviews mark so I can get it on Ezoic and (finally) start monetizing. As you can see, the site got 11,607 in January and that’s without having published a single blog post this past month.
I’ve just finished applying for Ezoic ads before jumping in here to write this update so I’m hoping February will see this website making it’s first few $$$.
With ~11,000 pageviews, I don’t expect to be making much but if I can get a $10 CPM from Ezoic, this will give me a ~$100 a month in income from this website, which I would be happy with until it’s time to join MediaVine after the site grows to 25,000+ sessions.
The ultimate end-goal for this website is also to create and sell our own products and even though there are some plans for this, it’s still very much “in the air” at this moment.
However, I am excited about the idea of getting this site on MediaVine sometime soon as I expect this to be making ~$500 per month at that level giving it a modest, but good start on the $100,000 valuation I’m targetting.
My Plan For February 2020:
Just like January, I won’t be publishing any new content on this website in February, but I will try to update some of the older blog posts which are now getting traffic and there’s some data I can work with.
However, come March 2020 I will commission yet another round of blog posts (at least another 30) which will hopefully keep the momentum going all the way to 25,000 sessions I need to join Mediavine.
I’ve also started experimenting with a bit of Amazon affiliate ads this past week. Nothing much happened with that, but we’ll see how it goes as I keep on building on this website.
Where Are The Other 8 Websites In This Case Study?
If you go back to case study update #1, you will see that the original plan was to create 10 websites all at once and build them all up to the coveted $100,000+ mark.
Unfortunately, I had to scale back my hopes with this as I was already over-extending my resources and my time so I settled on only working on the 2 best performing websites.
All other 8 websites are up and running, but the results are so minuscule (no work is being done on them at all) that they’re not worth reporting about them here.
Of course, if any of these other 8 sites were to suddenly “pop” and become a high-value asset, I will also start including them in my case study updates but going forward, I will only provide an update on the two main websites mentioned above (STSP and TSCC).
Want To Start Your Own Affiliate Website?
How would you like to join me in this “challenge” to $100,000+ and build your own affiliate website?
The strategies I have been using for this case study are all available inside the Affiliate Starter Pack course.
It’s a two-course bundle that will give you access to Wealthy Affiliate’s premium membership plan and also, free access to my $97 SEO course – The Affiliate SEO Mastery – for only $19 *your first month.
If you’d like to learn more about making money online with an affiliate website, I recommend you check out the Affiliate Starter Pack here as well as all the student-testimonials on the page.
There’s no reason why you can not have your very own passive-income producing affiliate website.
Thank you very much for check-in. I’ll be sure to have another case study update up next month so stay tuned for that, but in the meantime;
Feel free to check my previous updates here: