How would you like to finally be able to make money as an Amazon affiliate/associate?
One of the best ways to do this is by creating niche websites (which I will explain what that means soon) and then writing products reviews on that website, which will get you traffic & of course; affiliate commissions.
But how do you write Amazon reviews for an affiliate website?
While you will see MANY variations of what I am about to show you, today I will be sharing with you my “template” of how I structure my product reviews on my niche websites (that earn me daily consistent commissions from Amazon).
I know affiliate marketing and product reviews can be a confusing thing for many beginners (even experts for that matter) but this post will at least give you a working template to follow.
Of course; different niches require different ways of doing reviews, but; if you start from this template (& then adjust accordingly for your niche), it would at least give you a starting point to work with,
I have been writing reviews for several years now and I’ve tested many ways to “present” my Amazon reviews, but I have since settled into one format (with minor adjustments here and there) that has worked incredibly well for writing and publishing Amazon product reviews.
Ready to learn how to crush it with an Amazon niche website?
Let’s get started…
What Are Amazon Niche Websites?
Amazon niche websites (link leads to a much more in-depth guide about them) are a “type” of affiliate website that makes money simply by reviewing specific products in specific niches.
For example; one of my niche sites which I reference often as an example is my smart portable air conditioner review site.
On that website, I review a variety of smart air conditioners and those reviews then end up ranking in Google and driving traffic to my website.
The reviews will then have affiliate links present on there and if a customer decides to buy the product I am reviewing, then he/she will go to Amazon through my link, and then I earn a small commission off that.
While this is a great (and easy) way to get started with affiliate marketing, I would highly recommend you only do Amazon product reviews for products which sell for more than $100 (at the minimum).
The Amazon commission rates are not great so trying to sell $10 trinkets will leave you pretty much dead in the water.
My air conditioner review website is the perfect example of this as most of the ACs I review are $300+, which nets me a cool $15+ a sale.
Sounds good?
Again, I highly suggest you look into my guide on how to build Amazon niche websites if you’d like to know more.
Why Are Amazon Niche Sites So Popular (Benefits)?
But what’s with the focus on Amazon?
Can you use other companies to do affiliate marketing with?
Of course, you can.
Besides Amazon, there are plenty of other affiliate programs with which you can review products for. A few alternatives that come to mind are:
But; let me first tell you why Amazon is a big player and super popular with beginner affiliates writing reviews:
Amazon’s Brand Power
Everyone knows what and who Amazon is.
Most probably; the readers who will visit your website will already have an Amazon account (already signed into) so whenever you send someone to Amazon and they decide to buy your recommendation; the only thing they need to do is click on that “Buy Now” button and thus; you make a commission.
The easier the checkout process is = the better your conversion rate is and Amazon is great at selling.
Amazon’s Selling Prowess
Amazon has invested billions (more than you and I) on how to convert a customer.
As an Amazon Associate, you can use all that research to your advantage and let Amazon’s algorithms and conversion funnels do the heavy lifting for you.
Your job as someone writing Amazon reviews is not the “sell” the product;
Your job is to inform the reader (using the template I’m about to share with you here) and get them to the Amazon product page.
The sale is in Amazon’s hands (and trust me; they’re pretty good at selling products).
Amazon’s Commission On Everything
One last thing I want to tell you which is unique to the Amazon Associates program is that once you send someone over to Amazon, whatever it is they buy; you will get a commission off that sale.
For example: Somebody read your review on the best “smart litter boxes” & clicked through to Amazon but decided to purchase a wine cooler instead.
That qualifies you to earn a commission off that wine cooler.
That + the incredible Amazon sales funnel (which is always encouraging users to add more item to the cart) will lead you to make a lot of money with a lot of products that you never intended to promote.
Sounds good?
Still, want to work on your Amazon niche website?
Let me finally show you how to write Amazon reviews for your affiliate website:
NB: While the review template I am about to share with you in this guide is about “Amazon product reviews”, you can use it with just about any product from any affiliate program that you like.
How To Write Amazon Reviews On Your Website (The Template)
This is the template which I follow when I am creating product reviews on my affiliate websites:
- An Introduction to Your Review
- Summary + A Link To The Product
- Key Benefit H2 Subheading
- Key Benefit paragraph
- (Add as many key benefits as needed)
- Bullet Point List Showing All Features
- A Few Drawbacks (Make The Skeletons Dance)
- What Amazon Customers Are Saying
- Link To The Product
- Final Words / Conclusion.
You can take those “pointers”, copy/paste them into your WordPress editor and start building out your review.
To make things a bit easier to understand though, I will now go through what each point means:
An Introduction to Your Review
This is where you need to capture your reader’s attention.
You need to quickly explain what the product you are reviewing is, what problems does it solve and also why you decided to review it (& what qualifies you to review it).
This needs to be 2-3 sentences tops so do not over complicate things; you just need enough oomph to get the reader/customer to continue reading.
Summary + A Link To The Product
One thing that many ignore is providing a quick summary of the review with a link to the product.
This section needs to summarize what you review is about and also what the main/key features of the products are.
Ideally, you’d want to use bullet points here and a clear link telling them to “get this on Amazon“.
What these bullet points do is provide a quick idea of what the product is and how it can help them. If they like what they see, they can either click on your Amazon affiliate link (win) or keep reading your review (also a win).
Key Benefit H2 Subheading
The bulk of your review should be explaining the benefits of the product you are reviewing.
Note I said benefits, not features.
Features will come later but what people want to know is how this product can help them. Remember this piece of copywriting gold:
Your customer doesn’t want a drill, he wants a hole in the wall.
The H2 headings – which can also be called sub-headings – should also be carefully crafted to capture the attention of the reader.
Remember, people scroll online; they find something that they like, and then they read that part.
Key Benefit Paragraph
Of course; the H2 subheading will only grab their attention, so it’s best to explain the benefit in question in a few short paragraphs below the sub-heading.
There’s no limit to how many key benefits to list, so just list them all down (ideally before you write the review) and then fill out the text as you go along – you should do this as often times as necessary.
Bullet Point List Showing All Features
Now back to the features.
What’s the difference between features and benefits?
A feature is this:
This blender has a 3-liter pitcher.
A benefit is this:
This blender’s 3-liter pitcher will allow you to make 3X more smoothies in one go.
You get the difference?
Now, of course, the benefits are much more exciting to read – this is why it’s best to list them as subheadings – but (some) people also want to know the features and specific so, the way I do this is by listing them all in a simple bullet-point format.
No need to go into details here. Just state the fact. If it’s a 3-liter pitcher, it’s a 3-liter pitcher.
A Few Drawbacks (But Make The Skeletons Dance)
Remember; reviews are meant to be helpful not to sell, let Amazon do what they do best.
So; even though it may be the best product ever created, I am sure it has a few drawbacks, which you should list down in your review.
Listing down the drawbacks will provide a more holistically informative review and you will also come across as a helpful resource, not a pushy salesman; thus improving your trust.
Always – always – list a few drawbacks when possible, but you can use a tactic called “making the skeletons dance” which lists the drawbacks, but makes it sound like a positive.
For example:
“Since this product is in such high demand, it will take about a month to ship your order”
See what I did there?
I listed a major drawback (long shipping times) and made it positive by pointing out that the product is so good, people are buying it and the supplier can’t keep up with the demand.
You can read more about this incredibly powerful copywriting tip here.
What Amazon Customers Are Saying
Amazon loves reviews, and as I am sure you know; they also have their own review section on every product page.
If the product you are reviewing does have genuine reviews, you may want to list them down (not copy them verbatim) on your own review.
You can then take screenshots of the reviews and post them along with your text (I like to blur out the name/face of the reviewer for privacy reasons).
Link To The Product (Again)
Once all that is done, you can then link the product again this time with a strong call-to-action.
You can see a list of a great call-to-actions that work incredibly well here.
Final Words / Conclusion
Last but not least; a short yet strong conclusion is always a good idea.
You can use this “space” to summarize once again what the product is and how it can help the reader, you may even get away with adding another affiliate link in the last few paragraphs.
So that’s it; that’s my Amazon review template.
If you follow that, I am sure it will give you a structure to work with and as I said; feel free to shift things around to make it work better for your niche.
You may also want to include a few FAQs on the product, images & videos that highlight the features & benefits of the product and other such “complimentary content”.
Again; you should know what works well for your niche.
Doing a bit of research on how your competitors display their reviews will give you a clear idea of what is working in your chosen niche.
BONUS: Get A Review Plugin
You may also want to install a free WordPress plugin called “WP Review“.
I have this plugin on each one of my niche websites and it helps me create “star ratings” on specific products.
I like to use this in the “Review Summary” section and give the readers a “star rating” on how this product performs.
Check out this video to see how it works:
Do You Have To Buy Every Product You Review?
A common question I get asked often inside my recommended training program is whether you need to buy every product you review.
The answer is no; you don’t have to.
But does that mean you’re a fake?
Actually no.
Your job when writing a review is to present all the information a customer may need to make an informed decision.
Now, they can either spend hours browsing through bits and pieces online or; they can read your review – which is a helpful and entertaining guide – that will save them hours of research.
Of course; if you used the product yourself, this will help you but it’s not a must.
You can spend the hours needed to research the product inside-out and then provide your findings in an unbiased review on your website.
The affiliate commission you will earn from Amazon (or whatever affiliate program you decide to use) will be your payment for the work you did, so no;
You do not have to buy every product that you review.
How To Get Traffic To Your Published Amazon Reviews
Before I close this off; I do want to touch on something which is key to how you can make money with review website, that is; getting traffic.
Product reviews such as the ones I am explaining in this guide are very much easy to rank for in Google.
A helpful review – for a product that people need information on – will eventually rank in Google and it will drive traffic to your website and clicks to Amazon.
I won’t go in depth on how to get traffic as that’s quite a topic but you can use the links provided to see some of my guides on that.
How Many Reviews Should You Publish On Your Website?
There’s no limit to how many reviews you can do; you can review each and every product in your niche that can be found on Amazon if you’d like.
Of course; chances are that that would be impossible to do but what I am trying to say here is that do as many (or as little) as you please.
Inside my SEO course, I usually tell people you need at least 30 blog posts (in this case reviews) before you can start getting some worthwhile traffic and sales to your website.
But what if you such at content writing and the idea of creating 30 reviews seems like an impossible thing for you to do?
Don’t worry about it…
Learn How To Turn Content Into Cash
I suck at content writing, I am not an English native speaker and I am also terrible with grammar and spelling mistakes (there may even be a few on this page which I’ve missed).
However; that hasn’t stopped me from building up a thriving online business all powered by simple words I type into my keyword and publish online.
Do not be scared of content writing.
You do not need to be some award-winning author and expert to publish Amazon reviews.
People like to hear from “Average Joes” like you and me about a product so the fact that you are not an “expert” can sometimes help you connect with readers even more.
Now if you want to get better at content writing, which I suggest you always do since it’s how you will literally be making your money, then take a few writing courses.
The last writing course I went through is Content 2 Cash, an incredibly detailed and informative writing course which will show you how to turn words into money using blogs, social media and yes; even product reviews.
I highly suggest you check out my review and taking on that course as it’s the quickest way to get good enough to start making money online with content writing.
Learn How To Build An Amazon Review Website

One other resource I want you to check out is Wealthy Affiliate.
It’s the same training course myself and 1,4000,000 (not a typo) other affiliate marketers have used to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing (including Amazon review websites).
As a member, you can an incredible amount of training material, tools, free websites, 24/7 support, an online community of helpful affiliates, 13 digital marketing classrooms and a whole lot more.
How much is that join?
Put your card away! It’s free to join – check out my Wealthy Affiliate review for more details on that.
Final Words (Recap)
Thank you very much for reading my guide.
I really hope the template provided will help you in creating Amazon reviews for your affiliate website.
There’s a lot of money to be made as an affiliate marketer and I am rooting for you.
Let me know if you have any questions in the comment section.
Talk soon.